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Hopefully, A Full "Cut That Meat" Skit

It's awesome being the Super Bowl MVP and the most recognizable face in the NFL (even with a wig and mustache). There are perks. Groupies. Endorsements. Free drugs. Errr....scratch that one.

There's also the opportunity to host Saturday Night Live, which Peyton Manning will do on March 24th.

I await the episode eagerly. Though Peyton Manning has none of the traits of a successful TV host -- he's tall and goofy, kinda funny-looking, and very, very white -- those happen to be ALL of the traits of comedic gold. As tiring as the Peyton Manning commercials get, I cannot deny that they're funny on first view. Manning claims, regarding the SNL appearance, that the only thing he can do well live is play football (poor Mrs. Manning), but I'm banking on a successful episode. Can't be worse than Brady's.
