The Lost Art
You know, it's been a little too quiet in Raider land lately, and we're not just talking about Randy Moss' game. Ohh! Zing! I crack myself up sometimes.
Adam Schefter, former Denver Post employee and current pundit for the NFL Network, shattered the globe with his report that Art Shell was most likely not going to be back in Oakland next year. Because, in case you haven't noticed, Shell hasn't exactly done a bang-up job this year. And that's putting it lightly.
Well look, Al Davis doesn't take too kindly from Denver people getting involved in his business. That wouldn't be so much of a problem if Al Davis was still alive. Luckily for us all, he's not. Wait, what? He is? Oh.
He's got something to say.
Adam Schefter has always been a false rumor monger with respect to the Raiders and Anti-Raider bias based upon his relationship with Denver and Mike Shanahan. No decisions have been made relative to the 2007 Oakland Raiders nor will they be made for some time. Adam Schefter could not have gotten his information from a 'reliable source' because there's only one reliable source and he doesn't trust Adam.
The guy's right. After all, this is a team on their third coach in five years, Shell has already been fired prematurely once (not to say this firing would be premature, I'd say it's about time), and they're 2-12. I don't see any signs that lead to Shell's firing. After all, why rock the boat?